What is the meaning of the employee interview? An employee interview is a conversation where the manager and the employee meet to talk about the employee's performance, well-being and work environment. The goal of the conversation is to improve the understanding between the manager and the employee and to create...
Yesbox then offers a longer period of time via the Installers' membership agreement an opportunity to get a better look at the culture, the work environment as well as how their business functions and how the employees feel. The discount on Yesbox surveys, evaluations and feedback can be used to...
Miscommunication - in nine out of ten conversations we misunderstand each other Employee development is important to achieve well-being and set goals. Already in communication, it is common to encounter problems. How do you reach each other? In my role as...
7. Make an optimal follow-up plan Employee interviews are important. But without follow-up, they will not be as relevant. Make sure that your efforts yield results, planning for the follow-up ensures that the employee interview has the desired effect. Focus: Book a date...
What are your goals with the employee interview? During the conversation, you will certainly come up with things that you want to fulfill, but without structuring your goals, they will be difficult to achieve. Bring the SMART model as a help tool into your employee conversations ....
What motivates you? Time for step 5 in the blog series on how to have the best possible employee talk in 7 steps: 1. Preparations 2. Create a great conversation climate 3. The art of listening 4. Provide high quality feedback 5. What motivates us 6. Attractive Goals 7. Do one...