av Molin | November 1, 2023 | Blog, Employee survey
NMI, or "Employee Satisfaction Index," is a metric used to measure and summarize employee satisfaction and engagement. It is sometimes used as a tool to summarize how employees feel over time. Survey questions can cover different aspects of...
av Molin | May 15, 2023 | Blog, Employee survey
Use the Employee Survey as a Starting Point for Effective Communication Establishing and maintaining good communication is critical to leadership success. Often we interpret words in different ways, which can create misunderstandings and confusion. To avoid this...
av Molin | Feb 23, 2023 | Blog, Employee survey, Work Pulse
Are you better trained because you take your pulse often? 1. Background to the popular pulse surveys In recent years, pulse measurements have become popular. We measure employees' views on various issues frequently (every or every two weeks). Management and different teams thus get...
av Molin | Dec 6, 2022 | Blog, Employee survey
After the employee survey is completed, an important phase that is often overlooked begins - follow-up and dialogue. Here are some powerful reasons why this phase is so important: Creates understanding and interpretation: The results of an employee survey are often…
av Molin | October 19, 2022 | Measure the work environment, Employee survey, Work Pulse
The market for employee surveys has changed a lot in recent years. The new trend is called Pulse measurements. Pulse measurements are a variation on employee surveys where the survey is intended to provide continuous support and save time. There is a challenge in...
av Molin | August 16, 2022 | Blog, Performance reviews, Employee survey
Yesbox then offers a longer period of time via the Installers' membership agreement an opportunity to get a better look at the culture, the work environment as well as how their business functions and how the employees feel. The discount on Yesbox surveys, evaluations and feedback can be used to...