Our journey through life takes us into different stages, new meetings, new environments, new sadness and joy. The wheels sometimes turn so fast that we need to remind ourselves of what is important and at the same time learn to take in new perspectives to create understanding and success. A new competence.
If we have experienced important and strong events, reflection is necessary. Continuity gives us perspective.
Sometimes we do not reach each other, even though the intention is more than positive from both sides. Then models can help stretch the mind and see new perspectives.
Yesbox have built a behavioral competence library based on the "big 5", a 5-factor model that places us on scales of different characteristic complexes. (Also used in school, by the way See here)
Where are you on a scale of 0-100 in these areas?
What is very distinctive or particularly strong in you?
- do you get the most energy and joy from social interaction? (extraversion)
- Is the quality of social contact the most important thing? (sympathy or kindness)
- is self-discipline and the need for order the basis of everything? (conscientious)
- are you first of all vulnerable and temperamental? (neuroticism)
- is the basis of everything the right values, to reflect and inform in the right way? (openness)
How are you and your colleagues different - Have you understood each other?
What if different are good? What happens if we mix these perspectives, but still can respect and listen to each other? Isn't it when we succeed best!
No one is strong in all areas. Nor do we always display or use our abilities or distinctive traits. The positive thing is that the research in recent years has shown that we can really develop characteristics well into old age by using our experiences, will and adaptability. Different roles require different behaviors.
How do you work continuously with the development of important behavioral skills to gain consensus? Behavioral skills that can be followed up, developed and that enable us to reach our goals. See more here about following behavioral competencies
Isn't it time to develop and use different talents by clarifying which behaviors are needed to succeed in different organizations or contexts. Wouldn't it be easier to succeed if everyone understood and we let all different talents participate? Do you want to know more about different driving forces in the team? read here
How do you? Do you only look at behavioral competencies when hiring?