With the goal of engaging and getting a higher response rate in the employee survey

Christina Johansson, Head of Communications at Knowit:

- When I came in here at Knowit, the challenge with the employee survey was that we saw that fewer and fewer years responded to them every year. It was my mission to find a model where we could work engagingly and keep pace with a simple follow-up tool for managers.

Christina Johansson is the group management and is also responsible for the company's employees branding issues. The consulting company Knowit works with digital solutions for companies in the private and public sector. They have over 2000 employees in the Nordic region who sit partly in the company's own offices, but also out with customers. Knowit has worked with employee surveys for many years, but has changed model over time. They have worked both traditionally with fairly long surveys, and then moved on to very short ones, and felt that it was difficult to create commitment and relevance in the results.

- Internally, there were different opinions about whether we should do an employee survey at all and those who thought we should do a very comprehensive survey. It was an important step to go to a common model where we measure a few things and believe that it will give us enough information to work with these issues internally.  

Knowit and Christina Johansson chose YESbox Puls for its employee survey. One of two main areas that is always measured in YESbox Puls is Shape. It is done based on the SCARF model to get a pulse on how the organization is doing. Christina Johansson says that many managers and employees at Knowit have had a relationship with SCARF and have heard of it before. It has been important to choose a method that is rooted in science, facts and insights so that the results are not questioned. The employees at Knowit are often themselves consultants in other companies and study organizational issues.

- Choosing this model has suited us very well for the credibility internally, says Christina Johansson.

What is important for you in the implementation of an employee survey? 

- It is incredibly important to create a curiosity and a commitment that the employee survey is on its way. And to make the organization and colleagues understand why we do it. Working with this model has made us keep a high pace, it has felt very smooth and easy. Explaining the workflow to two hundred managers must not be complicated.

How did the response rate and the results go?

- We would get as many as possible to participate and answer, and we really succeeded. A very high response rate!

Christina tells the results that came out of the survey were also positive, Knowit has very proud employees who enjoy and recommend their workplace. It is the second part of two that is always measured in YESbox Puls, the NPS (Net Promoter Score), which tells about the extent to which employees can recommend their workplace to others.

Work on monitoring the results, how has it looked?

- After the survey was closed, it was quick for the first management to get results. It created a demand for everyone to share the results. The follow-up work has been a mix of everything from workshops to larger collections where the results have been told. It has looked a little different, it's a bit how Knowit works, the important thing is that you use the results and how it is done looks a little different depending on what needs you have in each group.

Part of the follow-up has passed Knowit through the survey to be able to discuss the gender issue, a question that has a lot of focus in the company because many of the consultants are men.

- How is the climate women vs men with us? We have been able to look at it and discuss the issues thanks to the survey,says Christina. It has been a strength that we have been able to choose which angles we want to look at.

You have chosen to do two heart rate measurements per year. What happens next?

- In the next survey now, we will have a focus area that is leadership. The challenge is that there will be a few extra questions, but at the same time there is a great deal of interest in the leadership issue internally. If we succeed in creating curiosity and demand for the result, we will surely come to the same response rate this time, and a commitment to the follow-up! says Christina.

More about Yesbox Pulse here.

Yewbox  helps managers understand the employees driving forces to give them the best possible support. Our digital tools for Work Pulse and Dialogues sets you in development mode. It helps you to get a clear picture of how the organisation feels both above and below the surface, and to create good communication between managers and employees. In order for the people in the organisation to be able to reach their full potential - in a sustainable way.

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