Today we start with a blog series on how to have the best possible employee conversation in 7 steps:

1. preparations

2. Create a good conversation climate

3. The art of listening

4. Provide high quality feedback

5. What motivates us

6. Attractive goals

7. Make an optimal follow-up plan

In this post we describe

Step 1: Preparation.

Focus: Be aware of the goal of the call.
Challenge: Have a folder for each employee that is updated with a complete job description, notes from the employee interviews and their latest action plan.

  1. Goal and purpose of the call.

Clarify what you want to achieve - you can never decide afterwards whether you succeeded in your employee interviews or not, if you don't know exactly beforehand what you want to achieve. Therefore, the first thing you need to be clear about is what the company and you want to get out of the employee interview. First, it's good to find out what result you want at the group level, then it's also good if you can drill down and look at each person in the group.

2. Make an overview of the company's vision, long-term goals and your department's goals for the coming year.

In order for you to be able to make clear to your employees what they should focus their energy on, it is good if they can link it to the goals and strategies of the business. Find out your business vision, business concept, values ​​and long-term goals (preferably a few years into the future).

3. Invitation to the employee.

Make sure to invite the employee well in advance of the meeting so that they have time to prepare.

4. Gather information about the employee.

Information such as the job description, notes from previous employee interviews and the latest action plan can be good to have before the interview.


5. Prepare the feedback to the employee

Before the employee interview, it is good to prepare the feedback to the employee. Apart from the fact that the manager is able to get the employee to develop in his or her role, it is also important from a business perspective that everyone's competences are used in the best possible way. Feedback can be difficult to both give and receive, therefore it is especially important to be prepared and constructive.

Who does what?

To know what you have to play with and to be able to make decisions directly during the development interview, it is good if you know your powers before. Where does the limit go to what you can approve yourself and what you need to get approved by your manager or for example the HR department?


Read more about this Yesbox employee interview tools here. Or book a demo on teams below