What are your goals? employee interview? During the conversation, you will certainly come up with things that you want to fulfill, but without structuring your goals, they will be difficult to achieve.

Take the SMART model with you as a helpful tool in your employee meetings.
Also, don't forget to make sure that the goal is in line with the company's values ​​and your overall goals.

S for specifically och concrete - Ask yourself the questions. Who / who is the target, is it a common goal? What more specifically should be achieved?

M too measurable, there should be no doubt whatsoever when the goal is achieved. (How much?)

A too attractive, for the operator, the goal should be fun and it is important to understand why the goal is to be implemented. (Why?)

R too realistic, but preferably boldly, it increases the attractiveness.

T for timed - When should the goal be achieved?

Of course, a number of planned activities are needed which also explain which steps must be taken to reach the goal.

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