Skapa hållbara resultat med förändringsledning och enkätuppföljning – Lär dig hur du engagerar dina medarbetare Hur du framgångsrikt leder förändringar och skapar bestående resultat med enkätuppföljning Förändringsledning en utmaning som alla VD och HR-ansvariga i små...
Are you better trained because you take your pulse often? 1. Background to the popular pulse surveys In recent years, pulse measurements have become popular. We measure employees' views on various issues frequently (every or every two weeks). Management and different teams thus get...
NMI, or "Employee Satisfaction Index," is a metric used to measure and summarize employee satisfaction and engagement. It is sometimes used as a tool to summarize how employees feel over time. Survey questions can cover different aspects of...
After the employee survey is completed, an important phase that is often overlooked begins - follow-up and dialogue. Here are some powerful reasons why this phase is so important: Creates understanding and interpretation: The results of an employee survey are often…
Why do we conduct employee surveys? Kicki Molin and Novus responded to an article that it is important why and how already in 2014 in svd read here Just 10 years ago, the answer from management was often: "To understand, check, praise and correct and that we...