What is the meaning of the employee interview?

An employee interview is a conversation where the manager and the employee meet to talk about the employee's performance, well-being and work environment. The goal of the conversation is to improve understanding between the manager and the employee and to create a better working environment. During the conversation, topics are discussed and information is exchanged about expectations and opinions. The employee interview also gives the employee the opportunity to express opinions and come up with suggestions for improvements.

The Work Environment Act and employee dialogues

The Working Environment Act states that all employers are obliged to be responsible for offering a safe, healthy and favorable working environment. Obligations must be followed up and adapted with the help of good and regular communication between employer and employee. In order to do this, employers must have regular employee meetings. The purpose of the employee interviews is to improve the working environment offered, employee well-being and productivity.


Why it is smarter to work digital with employee interview?

Performance reviews is just one of many tools for development, participation and governance, It is often an excellent way to strengthen relationships and create a positive work environment. Because it means that the leader gets a good knowledge of emotions, trust and commitment, it is beneficial to have several tool which can create development. A digital tool simplifies the follow-up of personal goals and competencies.

How can a digital platform develop

employee interview

A digital platform for employee interviews can be a good tool for both employers and employees during evaluations and development interviews. It gives both parties the opportunity to share relevant information in a more convenient way. In addition, it can make it possible to use clear filters, so that you can improve the efficiency of the calls, so that the employer gets the information they need. It is also possible to effectively track previous employee conversations, which allows you to see which issues have been discussed before and plan for future conversations. All this can help the employer to identify problems and solutions, improve the employees motivation and keep an overall view of the employees' efforts and results.
Applying different strategies to support leaders and groups can help achieve better management and facilitate collaboration and engagement. By using a digital platform and a combination of supports or strategies, leaders can support better performance and success at work.

Tips for you as a Manager:

Consider this in a development interview with
focus on development:

An employee interview is an important tool for supporting, developing and securing good work performance. It is therefore important to follow a few simple steps when conducting a development interview:

1. Prepare the employee. Prepare the employee before you meet by explaining the topic and your role as manager so that he or she knows what is expected in the meeting.

2. Set a common goal for the conversation and work towards achieving it.

3. Evaluate the current work performance and talk about areas that should be improved, using positive feedback.

4. Listen to the employee. Give the employee time to discuss their thoughts and give the employee the opportunity to express their views.

5. Make an action plan. Conclude the conversation by making a detailed action plan that outlines the necessary steps to achieve the most important goals.

6. Evaluate and follow up. Follow up with the employee regularly to see how they are doing and provide feedback that reinforces any goal achieved or improvement.

General tips for managers before the employee interview

1. Think about the employee interview goal - Decide what the purpose of the conversation is. Is it to discuss development opportunities or problem solving? After this, you should choose the right environment and to best prepare your employee for the interview.

2. Prepare – Do some research on your employee before the interview. Read through reports odyl for and see if there is anything that can clarify the discussion. Also try to create a good atmosphere so that your employee is comfortable and interested.

3. Arrange a suitable conversation – Once you have decided on a theme for the conversation, it is a good time to decide where it will be held. It can be in the office, a conference room or wherever the employee prefers to be.

4. Use questions to explore – Focus on the questions you ask to get information. These should be open. Also, use questions filled with positive feedback to maximize the chance of an open discussion.

5. Be Positive – Although there may be negative feedback that comes through, or the issue may sometimes be difficult to resolve, it is important that you remain professional and respect all opinions.

6. End the conversation – Look for an appropriate way to end the conversation so that it becomes an effective conversation. Summarize and thank for a good participation.

7. Book a new date for follow-up


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